Best poems

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Es ist alles eitel

© Andreas Gryphius

Du siehst, wohin du siehst, nur Eitelkeit auf Erden.
Was dieser heute baut, reißt jener morgen ein;
Wo jetzund Städte stehn, wird eine Wiese sein,
Auf der ein Schäferskind wird spielen mit den Herden;

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The Reaper's Child

© Charles Lamb

If you go to the field where the reapers now bind
 The sheaves of ripe corn, there a fine little lass,
Only three months of age, by the hedge-row you'll find,
 Left alone by its mother upon the low grass.

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Alfred. Book III.

© Henry James Pye

  Fix'd on the arid spot, whose scanty bounds
  On every side the deep morass surrounds,
  The monarch, and his martial friend, with care,
  'Gainst close surprise and bold attack prepare;
  Exert each art their safety to ensure,
  And every pass, with wary eye, secure.

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To A Black Gin.

© James Brunton Stephens

DAUGHTER of Eve, draw near — I would behold thee.

Good Heavens! Could ever arm of man enfold thee?

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Sonnet Cycle For Lady Magdalen

© John Donne

Her of your name, whose fair inheritance

Bethina was, and jointure Magdalo:

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Arrival In Rome

© Frances Anne Kemble

Early in life, when hope seems prophecy,

  And strong desire can sometimes mould a fate,

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La Araucana - Canto III

© Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Valdivia con pocos españoles y algunos indios amigos camina a la casa de Tucapel, para hacer el castigo. Mátanle los araucanos, los corredores en el camino en un paso estrecho y danle después la batalla, en la cual fue muerto él y toda su gente por el gran esfuerzo y valentía de Lautaro

¡Oh incurable mal! ¡oh gran fatiga,

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The Oak And Its Branches.

© Mary Barber

An Oak, with spreading Branches crown'd,
Beheld an Ivy on the Ground,
Expos'd to ev'ry trampling Beast,
That roam'd around the dreary Waste.

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Under Especial Blessing

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

Lord Christ, Lord Christ, ah for a little space

Turn hence. Some day, when I again am low

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Horace I, 31.

© Eugene Field

As forth he pours the new made wine,
  What blessing asks the lyric poet--
  What boon implores in this fair shrine
  Of one full likely to bestow it?

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The Botanic Garden (Part V)

© Erasmus Darwin



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The Aeneid of Virgil: Book 1

© Publius Vergilius Maro

ARMS, and the man I sing, who, forc’d by fate,  

And haughty Juno’s unrelenting hate,  

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The Mourner

© George Crabbe

He had his wish, had more; I will not paint
The lovers' meeting: she beheld him faint, -
With tender fears, she took a nearer view,
Her terrors doubling as her hopes withdrew;
He tried to smile, and, half succeeding, said,
"Yes! I must die," and hope for ever fled.

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Gentle Alice Brown

© William Schwenck Gilbert

It was a robber's daughter, and her name was ALICE BROWN,
Her father was the terror of a small Italian town;
Her mother was a foolish, weak, but amiable old thing;
But it isn't of her parents that I'm going for to sing.

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The First Leaf Of Spring

© Charles Lamb


Thou fragile, filmy, gossamery thing,

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The Sylphs Of The Seasons

© Washington Allston

Long has it been my fate to hear

The slave of Mammon, with a sneer,

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The Ring And The Book - Chapter I - The Ring And The Book

© Robert Browning

DO you see this Ring?

  ’Tis Rome-work, made to match

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On A Good Man (From The Greek)

© William Cowper

Traveller, regret not me; for thou shalt find

Just cause of sorrow none in my decease,

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The Field of Waterloo

© Sir Walter Scott


Fair Brussels, thou art far behind,

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The Common Joys

© Edgar Albert Guest

THESE joys are free to all who live

The rich and poor, the great and low: