Envy poems

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A Day In The Castle Of Envy

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

The castle walls are full of eyes,
And not a mouse may creep unseen.
All the window slits are spies;
And the towers stand sentinel

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The Earth

© Anne Sexton

God loafs around heaven,
without a shape
but He would like to smoke His cigar
or bite His fingernails
and so forth.

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Amarantha. A Pastorall

© Richard Lovelace

  Up with the jolly bird of light
Who sounds his third retreat to night;
Faire Amarantha from her bed
Ashamed starts, and rises red

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Upon His Majesty's Happy Return

© Edmund Waller

The rising sun complies with our weak sight,
First gilds the clouds, then shows his globe of light
At such a distance from our eyes, as though
He knew what harm his hasty beams would do.

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Colemira. A Culinary Eclogue

© William Shenstone

Nec tantum Veneris, quantum studiosa culinae.
Insensible of soft desire,
Behold Colemira prove
More partial to the kitchen fire
Than to the fire of Love.

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To the Muse of Poetry

© Mary Darby Robinson

O MUSE ADOR'D, I woo thee now
From yon bright Heaven, to hear my vow;
From thy blest wing a plume I'll steal,
And with its burning point record
Each firm indissoluble word,
And with my lips the proud oath seal!

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The Poor Singing Dame

© Mary Darby Robinson

Beneath an old wall, that went round an old Castle,
For many a year, with brown ivy o'erspread;
A neat little Hovel, its lowly roof raising,
Defied the wild winds that howl'd over its shed:

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© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Let no man ask thee of anything

Not yearborn between Spring and Spring.

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The Granny Grey, a Love Tale

© Mary Darby Robinson

The DAME was silent; for the Lover
Would, when she spoke,
She fear'd, discover
Her envious joke:
And she was too much charm'd to be
In haste,--to end the Comedy!

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The Bee and the Butterfly

© Mary Darby Robinson

UPON a garden's perfum'd bed
With various gaudy colours spread,
Beneath the shelter of a ROSE
A BUTTERFLY had sought repose;
Faint, with the sultry beams of day,
Supine the beauteous insect lay.

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Sonnet XXXVII: When, in the Gloomy Mansion

© Mary Darby Robinson

When, in the gloomy mansion of the dead,
This with'ring heart, this faded form shall sleep;
When these fond eyes, at length shall cease to weep,
And earth's cold lap receive this fev'rish head;

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The Kalevala - Rune XXIII

© Elias Lönnrot


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Sonnet to Ingratitude

© Mary Darby Robinson

He that's ungrateful, has no guilt but one;
All other crimes may pass for virtues in him.

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© Robert Southwell

My conscience is my crown;
Contented thoughts my rest;
My heart is happy in itself;
My bliss is in my breast.

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Ode to the Nightingale

© Mary Darby Robinson

Restless and sad­I sought once more
A calm retreat on BRITAIN's shore;
Deceitful HOPE, e'en there I found
That soothing FRIENDSHIP's specious name
Was but a short-liv'd empty sound,
And LOVE a false delusive flame.

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Ode to Envy

© Mary Darby Robinson

Deep in th' abyss where frantic horror bides,
In thickest mists of vapours fell,
Where wily Serpents hissing glare
And the dark Demon of Revenge resides,

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Ode to Eloquence

© Mary Darby Robinson

Oft, by thy thrilling voice subdued,
The meagre fiend INGRATITUDE
Her treach'rous fang conceals;
Pale ENVY hides her forked sting;
And CALUMNY, beneath the wing
Of dark oblivion steals.

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Ode to Beauty

© Mary Darby Robinson

EXULTING BEAUTY,­phantom of an hour,
Whose magic spells enchain the heart,
Ah ! what avails thy fascinating pow'r,
Thy thrilling smile, thy witching art ?

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Monody to the Memory of Chatterton

© Mary Darby Robinson

Chill penury repress'd his noble rage,
And froze the genial current of his soul.

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Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick, Esq.

© Mary Darby Robinson

DEAR SHADE OF HIM, who grac'd the mimick scene,
And charm'd attention with resistless pow'r;
Whose wond'rous art, whose fascinating mien,
Gave glowing rapture to the short-liv'd hour!