Poems begining by J

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© Ramon Lopez Velarde

os debo mis virtudes católicas y humanas,
porque en el otro siglo, en vuestro hogar,
en los ceremoniosos estrados me eduqué,
velándome de amor, con las frentes
se velaban debajo del tupé.

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 06 - part 08

© Torquato Tasso


"Thou must," quoth she, "be mine ambassador,

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 06 - part 02

© Torquato Tasso


"Say that a knight, who holds in great disdain

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June Nights

© Victor Marie Hugo

In summer, when day has fled, the plain covered with flowers
Pours out far away an intoxicating scent;
Eyes shut, ears half open to noises,
We only half sleep in a transparent slumber.

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John Anderson, My Jo

© Robert Burns

John Anderson, my jo John,
When we were first acquent
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonnie brow was brent;

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July Fugitive

© Francis Thompson

Can you tell me where has hid her

  Pretty Maid July?

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Jenifer's Love

© Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

Small is my secret-let it pass-
 Small in your life the share I had,
Who sat beside you in the class,
 Awed by the bright superior lad:
 Whom yet with hot and eager face
 I prompted when he missed his place.

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© George Frederick Cameron

O crimson-hearted, flower-producing June-

Dear month of love, and laughter, and light song!

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© Franklin Pierce Adams

My reason reels, my cheeks grow pale,
My heart becomes unduly spiteful,
My verses in the _Evening Mail_
Are far from snappy and delightful.
I put a civil question, Lyddy:
Is that a way to treat one's stiddy?

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January Jumps About

© George Barker

January jumps about
in the frying pan
trying to heat
his frozen feet
like a Canadian.

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© Robert Crawford

Jove himself moves in the abyss
As in the heights he goes;
The God is so in all that is,
Yet is what no one knows.

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Jack Cornstalk as a Poet

© Henry Lawson

“Not from the seas does he draw inspiration,
Not from the rivers that croon on their bars;
But a wide, a world-old desolation –
On a dead land alone with the stars.

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John and Freddy

© William Schwenck Gilbert

JOHN courted lovely MARY ANN,
So likewise did his brother, FREDDY.
FRED was a very soft young man,
While JOHN, though quick, was most unsteady.

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© Paul Hamilton Hayne

BESIDE the coast for many a rood
Were fragments of a shipwreck strewn;
And there in sad and sombre mood
I walked the sands alone.

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John Cornstalk

© Henry Lawson

JACK CORNSTALK lives in the Southern Land—
  What says Cornstalk John?
Jack Cornstalk says in a loud firm voice:
  “Land of the South, lead on.”

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July The Fourth

© Edgar Albert Guest

As when a little babe is born the parents cannot guess
The story of the future years, their grief or happiness,
So came America to earth, the child of higher things,
A nation that should light the way for all men's visionings;
A land with but a dream to serve, such was our country then,
A prophet to prepare the way of liberty of men!

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John Marston: XII

© Algernon Charles Swinburne

THE BITTERNESS of death and bitterer scorn

  Breathes from the broad-leafed aloe-plant whence thou

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Joan Of Arc, In Rheims

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Thou hast a charmed cup, O Fame!
  A draught that mantles high,
And seems to lift this earth-born frame
  Above mortality:
Away! to me a woman bring
Sweet waters from affection's spring.

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John Keats,

© George Gordon Byron

Who killed John Keats?
'I,' says the Quarterly,
So savage and Tartarly;
''Twas one of my feats.'

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© Edgar Bowers

Before he wrote a poem, he learned the measure

That living in the future gives a farm-