Poems begining by L

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Love In A Cottage

© Daniel Henry Deniehy

A cottage small be mine, with porch
Enwreathed with ivy green,
And brightsome flowers with dew-filled bells,
'Mid brown old wattles seen.

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Loves Me? Loves Me Not?

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

Under the earth goes the last new-comer,
What were the life of her, winter-summer!
What if her silent grave holds one only
Who loved her well, and who left her lonely?

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© Charles Cros

Sous un roi d'Allemagne, ancien,
Est mort Gottlieb le musicien.
Un l'a cloué sous les planches.
Hou! hou! hou!
Le vent souffle dans les branches.

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La Araucana - Canto II

© Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Pónese la discordia que entre los caciques de Arauco hubo sobre la eleción de capitán general, y el medio que se tomó por el consejo del cacique colocolo, con la entrada que por engaño los bárbaros hicieron en la casa fuerte de Tucapel y la batalla que con los españoles tuvieron

Muchos hay en el mundo que han llegado

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Life And Immortality

© James Beattie

"O ye wild groves, oh, where is now your bloom!"
(The muse interprets thus his tender thought)
Your flowers, your verdure, and your balmy gloom,
Of late so grateful in the hour of drought?

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© Mathilde Blind

SHE stood against the Orient sun,
Her face inscrutable for light;
A myriad larks in unison
Sang o'er her, soaring out of sight.

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Love, Death, And Reputation

© Charles Lamb

Once on a time, Love, Death, and Reputation,
Three travellers, a tour together went;
And, after many a long perambulation,
Agreed to part by mutual consent.

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L'Aube spirituelle (Spiritual Dawn)

© Charles Baudelaire

Quand chez les débauchés l'aube blanche et vermeille
Entre en société de l'Idéal rongeur,
Par l'opération d'un mystère vengeur
Dans la brute assoupie un ange se réveille.

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Let Your Light So Shine

© George MacDonald

Sometimes, O Lord, thou lightest in my head
A lamp that well might pharos all the lands;
Anon the light will neither rise nor spread:
Shrouded in danger gray the beacon stands!

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Lights Out

© Jessie Pope

Darkness expectant, discreet

Only a lamp here and there,

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© Dora Wilcox

AH, my heart, the storm and sadness!  

 Wind that moans, uncomforted,  

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Love and Sorrow

© James Russell Lowell

I thought our love at full, but I did err;

Joy's wreath drooped o'er mine eyes; I could not see

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Lucasta Laughing

© Richard Lovelace

Heark, how she laughs aloud,

Although the world put on its shrowd:

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© John Hay

What man is there so bold that he should say

"Thus, and thus only, would I have the sea"?

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Love is Blind

© John Le Gay Brereton

  And can you tell me Love is blind

  Because your faults he will not find,

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Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright

© James Montgomery

Lord, teach us how to pray aright,
With reverence and with fear;
Though dust and ashes in Thy sight,
We may, we must draw near.

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Lover's Gifts LVI: The Evening Was Lonely

© Rabindranath Tagore

The evening was lonely for me, and I was reading a book till my

heart became dry, and it seemed to me that beauty was a thing

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Lurline (Inscribed to Madame Lucy Escott.)

© Henry Kendall

As you glided and glided before us that time,

 A mystical, magical maiden,

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Life Is What We Make It

© Edgar Albert Guest

Life is a jest;

  Take the delight of it.

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Lessons For A Child

© George MacDonald

If thou wouldst be like him, little one, go
And be kind with a kindness undefiled;
Who gives for the pleasure of thanks, my child,
God's gladness cannot know.