Algernon Charles Swinburne
Born in April 5, 1837 / Died in April 10, 1909 / United Kingdom / English
Other info : Career | Furtherreading
- The Queen-Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays, Pickering, 1860, Ticknor Fields (Boston), 1866.
- Atalanta in Calydon, Moxon (London), 1865, Ticknor Fields, 1866.
- Chastelard, Moxon, 1865, Hurd Houghton (New York, NY), 1866.
- Poems and Ballads, Moxon, 1866, published as Laus Veneris, and Other Poems and Ballads, Carleton (New York, NY), 1866.
- A Song of Italy, Ticknor Fields, 1867.
- William Blake: A Critical Essay, Hotten (London), 1868, Dutton, 1906.
- (With William Michael Rossetti) Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868, Hotten, 1868.
- Songs before Sunrise, Roberts Brothers (Boston), 1871.
- Under the Microscope, White (London), 1872, Mosher (Portland, ME), 1899.
- Bothwell, Chatto Windus, 1874.
- George Chapman: A Critical Essay, Chatto Windus, 1875.
- Song of Two Nations, Chatto Windus, 1875.
- Essays and Studies, Chatto Windus, 1875.
- Erechtheus: A Tragedy, Chatto Windus, 1876.
- Note of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crusade, Chatto Windus, 1876.
- A Note on Charlotte Bronte, Chatto Windus, 1877.
- Poems and Ballads, Second Series, Chatto Windus, 1878 , Crowell (New York, NY), c. 1885.
- A Study of Shakespeare, Worthington (New York, NY), 1880.
- Specimens of Modern Poets: The Heptalogia or The Seven against Sense, Chatto Windus, 1880.
- Mary Stuart, Worthington, 1881.
- Tristam of Lyonesse and Other Poems, Chatto Windus, 1882, Mosher, 1904.
- A Century of Roundels, Worthington, 1883.
- A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems, Chatto Windus, 1884.
- Marino Faliero, Chatto Windus, 1885.
- Miscellanies, Worthington, 1886.
- A Study of Victor Hugo, Chatto Windus, 1886.
- Locrine: A Tragedy, Alden (New York, NY), 1887.
- A Study of Ben Jonson, Worthington, 1889.
- Poems and Ballads, Third Series, Chatto Windus, 1889.
- The Sisters, United States Book Company (New York, NY), 1892.
- Astrophel and Other Poems, Chatto Windus/Scribner, 1894.
- Studies in Prose and Poetry, Chatto Windus/Scribner, 1894.
- Robert Burns. A Poem, Burns Centenary Club (Edinburgh), 1896.
- The Tale of Balen, Scribner, 1896.
- Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards: A Tragedy, Dodd, 1899.
- Love's Cross-Currents: A Year's Letters, Mosher, 1901.
- Poems Ballads, Second Third Series, Mosher, 1902.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lippincott, 1903.
- A Channel Passage and Other Poems, Chatto Windus, 1904.
- The Poems of Algernon Swinburne, 6 volumes, Harper, 1904.
- The Duke of Gandia, Harper, 1908.
- The Age of Shakespeare, Harper, 1908.
- The Marriage of Monna Lisa, privately printed (London), 1909.
- In the Twilight, privately printed (London), 1909.
- The Portrait, privately printed (London), 1909.
- The Chronicle of Queen Fredegond, privately printed (London), 1909.
- Of Liberty and Loyalty, privately printed (London), 1909.
- Ode to Mazzini, privately printed (London), 1909.
- Shakespeare, Henry Frowde, 1909.
- The Ballade of Truthful Charles and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1910.
- A Criminal Case, privately printed (London), 1910.
- The Ballade of Villon and Fat Madge, privately printed (London), 1910.
- The Cannibal Catechism, privately printed (London), 1913.
- Les Fleurs du Mal and Other Stories, privately printed (London), 1913.
- Charles Dickens, Chatto Windus, 1913.
- A Study of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables," privately printed (London), 1914.
- Pericles and Other Studies, privately printed (London), 1914.
- Thomas Nabbes: A Critical Monograph, privately printed (London), 1914.
- Christopher Marlowe in Relation to Greene, Peele and Lodge, privately printed (London), 1915.
- Lady Maisie's Bairn and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1915.
- Felicien Cossu: A Burlesque, privately printed (London), 1915.
- Theophile, privately printed (London), 1915.
- Ernest Clouet, privately printed (London), 1916.
- A Vision of Bags, privately printed (London), 1916.
- The Death of Sir John Franklin, privately printed (London), 1916.
- Poems from "Villon" and Other Fragments, privately printed (London), 1916.
- Poetical Fragments, privately printed (London), 1916.
- Posthumous Poems, edited by Edmund Gosse and Thomas James Wise, Heinemann, 1917.
- Rondeaux Parisiens, privately printed (London), 1917.
- The Italian Mother and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1918.
- The Ride from Milan and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1918.
- A Lay of Lilies and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1918.
- Queen Yseult, A Poem in Six Cantos, privately printed (London), 1918.
- Lancelot, The Death of Rudel and Other Poems, privately printed (London), 1918.
- Undergraduate Sonnets, privately printed (London), 1918.
- The Character and Opinions of Dr. Johnson, privately printed (London), 1918.
- The Queen's Tragedy, privately printed (London), 1919.
- French Lyrics, privately printed (London), 1919.
- Contemporaries of Shakespeare, Heinemann, 1919.
- Ballads of the English Border, edited by William A. MacInnes, Heinemann, 1925.
- 1925-27 The Complete Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne, twenty volumes, edited by Edmund Gosse and Thomas J. Wise, Heinemann/ Wells.
- Lesbia Brandon, edited by Randoph Hughes, Falcon Press (London), 1952, republished in The Novels of A. C. Swinburne, Farrar, Straus Cudahy, 1962.
- The Swinburne Letters, six volumes, edited by Cecil Y. Lang, Yale University Press, 1962.
- New Writings by Swinburne, edited by Cecil Y. Lang, Syracuse University Press, 1964.
- The Algernon Charles Swinburne Project, edited by John A. Walsh, Indiana University, http://swinburnearchive.indiana.edu/swinburne/