"You rosebud sweet and fair"

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You rosebud sweet and fair!
Close to, let me inspect you!
Each man must needs respect you,
In you all nature’s art
And splendour dwell apart;
Each petal’s coloured feather
Leaves us uncertain whether
Apparel neat and trim
Says more than splendour’s whim:
A maze where coloured petals –
In paths where each unsettles –
Add fragrance to the air;
You rosebud sweet and fair!

Today, alas, you’re gone,
But yesterday with pleasure
I viewed your thorn-borne treasure;
I plucked you, whereupon
Today, alas, you’re gone.
Your bright shades fade and pall
Your dull red tells me all
Your glory is but brief
Your beauty held in fief;
You jewel of nature’s crown,
Where now is your fine gown?
Your blossoming is done,
Today, alas, you’re gone.

Come, Phyllis, come and see
My rose does now invite you;
Your beauty won’t requite you;
Come, Phyllis, come and see!
Your image view quite freely!
All that’s a source of pleasure
Cheeks crimson beyond measure,
That mouth, its honeyed ploy
Those eyes, their sparkling joy
That neat body, those neat hands
That every favour do command
Do fade; come, Phyllis, see
Your image view quite freely!

One beauty outlasts others –
When all else only withers –
And years and age outweathers,
And gains eternal vales
One beauty never fails.
Virtue, Phyllis, its name,
Seek it ere time’s no claim!
And that a spirit true
May dwell as is its due,
Live but to praise your maker
In virtue be its taker!
So when all else does wither,
Your beauty lasts forever.

© Ambrosius Stub