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Born in December 22, 1905 / Died in June 6, 1982 / United States / English

Quotes by Kenneth Rexroth

This isn't the best town for what we're doing. Too many other things to pull the crowds away.
Did you know I staged the first performance in America of At the Hawk's Well?
You don't become a saint until you lead a good life whether in Tibet or Italy or America.
The basic line in any good verse is cadenced... building it around the natural breath structures of speech.
I've been around jazz and jazz musicians most of my life.
Man thrives where angels would die of ecstasy and where pigs would die of disgust.
When the newspapers have got nothing else to talk about, they cut loose on the young. The young are always news. If they are up to something, that's news. If they aren't, that's news too.