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Poet and educator. University of Iowa, Writers' Workshop, Iowa City, IA, visiting lecturer, 1965, assistant professor, 1967-69, associate professor, 1969-75, professor of English, 1975—; University of Iowa, Flannery O'Connor Professor of Letters, 1986—. Visiting lecturer, Oregon State University, 1969, Goddard College, 1972, University of Hawaii, 1981, and University of Washington, 1982; University of the Redlands, Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest writing fellow, 1991-92, 1992-93; Woodrow Wilson visiting fellow, St. Mary's College of California, 1994-95, Nebraska-Wesleyan University, 1996-97, Pacific University, 1996-97, Hampden-Sydney College, 1999, West Virginia Wesleyan College, 2000-01; Birmingham-Southern College, 2000-01, and Illinois College, 2001-02. Judge for various writing competitions.