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Other info : Furtherreading

  • The Public Speaking of Queen Elizabeth: Selections from Her Official Addresses, edited by George P. Rice, Jr. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1951).
  • The Poems of Queen Elizabeth I, edited by Leicester Bradner (Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1964).
  • A Book of Devotions Composed by Her Majesty Elizabeth R, translated by Adam Fox (Gerrards Cross, U.K.: Smythe, 1970).


  • John Nichols, The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, 4 volumes (London: Printed by John Nichols, 1788-1821)--includes speeches made by Elizabeth on royal progresses.
  • John E. Neale, Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 1559-1581 (London: Cape, 1953)--includes complete transcripts of Elizabeth's speeches to Parliament.


  • Margaret of Navarre, A Godly Meditacyon of the Christen Sowle, Concerninge a Love towardes God and Hys Christe, edited by John Bale (Wesel: Printed by Derick van der Straten, 1548).
  • Margaret of Navarre, The Mirror of the Sinful Soul: A Prose Translation from the French of a Poem by Queen Margaret of Navarre, Made in 1544 by the Princess (Afterwards Queen) Elizabeth, edited by Percy Willoughby Ames (London: Royal Society of Literature, 1897); republished as "The Glass of the Sinful Soul," in Marc Shell, Elizabeth's Glass (Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 1993).
  • Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae, A.D. 1593; Plutarch, De Curiositate; Horace, De arte poetica (Part) A.D. 1598: Edited from the Unique Manuscript, Partly in the Queen's Hand, in the Public Record Office, London, edited by Caroline Pemberton (London: Published for the Early English Text Society by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1899; reprinted, 1975).


  • The Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland, edited by John Bruce (London: Camden Society, 1849).
  • The Letters of Queen Elizabeth I, edited by G. B. Harrison (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968).

Manuscripts of Elizabeth's letters, speeches, and poems are in the Public Records Office, London; the British Library, London; the Bodleian Library, Oxford; the Cambridge University Library; and Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire. Most of these manuscripts are copies by other hands, but holograph versions or copies with corrections in her own hand can be found among the state papers and in the British Library.