Astrophel and Stella: 65

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Loue by sure proofe I may call thee vnkind,That giu'st no better eare to my just cries:Thou whom to me such my good turnes should bind,As I may well recount, but none can prize:For when nak'd boy thou couldst no harbour findIn this old world, growne now so too too wise:I lodg'd thee in my heart, and being blindBy Nature borne, I gaue to thee mine eyes.Mine eyes, my life, my heart, my life, alas,If so great seruices may scorned be:Yet let this thought thy Tygrish courage passe:That I perhaps am somewhat kinne to thee;Since in thine armes, if learn'd fame truth hath spred,Thou bear'st the arrow, I the arrow head.

© Sir Philip Sidney