The Pastime of Pleasure: Of dysposycyon the II. parte of rethoryke - (til line 3950)

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Of the merualyos argument bytwene Mars and fortune. Ca. xxvij.

3018 Besyde this toure of olde foundacyon
3019 There was a temple strongly edefyed
3020 To the hygh honoure and reputacyon
3021 Of the myghty Mars it was so fortefyed
3022 And for to know what it sygnyfyed
3023 I entred in and sawe of golde so pure
3024 Of worthy Mars the meruaylous pycture
3025 There was depaynted all aboute the wall
3026 The grete dystruccyon of the cyte of troye
3027 And the noble actes to reygne memoryall
3028 Of the worthy Ector that was all theyr Ioye
3029 His dolourous deth was herde to occoye
3030 And so whan Ector was cast all downe
3031 The hardy Troylus was moost hyghe of renowne
3032 And as I cast my syght so asyde
3033 Beholdynge Mars how wonderly he stode
3034 On a whele top with a lady of pryde
3035 Haunced aboute I thought nothynge but good
3036 But that she had two faces in one hode
3037 Yet I kneled adowne and made myne oryson
3038 To doughty Mars with grete deuocyon
3039 Sayenge / O Mars / O god of the warre
3040 The gentyll lodesterre of an hardy herte
3041 Dystyll adowne thy grace from so farre
3042 To cause all fere frome me to asterte
3043 That in the felde I may ryght well subuerte
3044 The hedyus monsters / and wynne the vyctory
3045 Of the sturdy grauntes with famous chyualry
3046 O prynce of honoure and of worthy fame
3047 O noble knyghtes of olde antyquyte
3048 O redouted courage the causer of theyr name
3049 Whose worthy actes fame caused to be
3050 In bokes wryten as ye may well se
3051 So gyue me grace ryght well to recure
3052 The power of fame / that shall longe endure
3053 I thought me past all chyldly ygnoraunce
3054 The .xxj. yere of my yonge flourynge aege
3055 I thought that Venus myght nothynge auaunce
3056 Her strength agaynst me with her lusty courage
3057 My wytte I thought had suche auauntage
3058 That it sholde rule bothe Venus and Cupyde
3059 But alas for wo for all my sodayne pryde.

3060 Whan that Phebus entred was in gemyne
3061 Towarde the crabbe takynge ascencyon
3062 At the tyme of the grete solempnyte
3063 From heuen aboue of goddes descencyon
3064 In a grete temple with hole entencyon
3065 As I went walkynge my selfe to and fro
3066 Full sodaynly Venus wrought me suche wo
3067 For as I cast than my syght all a lofte
3068 I sawe Venus in beaute so clere
3069 Whiche caused Cupyde with his darte so softe
3070 To wounde my herte with feruent loue so dere
3071 Her louynge countenaunce so hygh dyde appere
3072 That it me rauysshed with a sodayne thought
3073 Alas for wo it vayled me ryght nought
3074 To gyue audyens vnto the melody
3075 Of waytes and organs that were at the fest
3076 Loue had me wounded so sore inwardly
3077 What was to do I knewe not the best
3078 Replete with sorow and deuoyde of rest
3079 Sythen the tyme that she my herte soo wounded
3080 My Ioy and pryde she hath full lowe confounded
3081 And so now for to attayne her grace
3082 As thou doost knowe become aduenturous
3083 Besechynge the in this peryllous case
3084 O Mars me socoure in tyme tempestyous
3085 That I may passe the passage daungerous
3086 And to thy laude honoure and glorye
3087 I shall a temple ryght strongly edefye
3088 Well than sayd Mars I shall the fortefye
3089 In all thy warre as fast as I canne
3090 But for thy payne I knowe no remedy
3091 For Venus reyned whan that thou beganne
3092 Fyrst for to loue makynge the pale and wanne
3093 And of the trouthe to make relacyon
3094 Thou was borne vnder her consolacyon
3095 Wherfore thou must of veray perfyte ryght
3096 Vnto her sue by the dysposycyon
3097 Whiche the constrayneth with hole delyght
3098 For to loue ladyes by true affeccyon
3099 Suche is her course and operacyon
3100 Wherfore whan thou hast lerned perfytely
3101 The for to gouerne by prudent chyualry
3102 Than to fulfyll thy ryght hye enterpryse
3103 Forthe on thy way thou shalte thy Iorney take
3104 Vnto a temple in all humble wyse
3105 Before dame Venus thyn oblacyon to make
3106 Whiche all thy payne may sone redresse and slake
3107 For at that tyme she holdeth a parlemente
3108 To redresse louers of theyr Impedymente
3109 Aha quod fortune with the faces twayne
3110 Behynde syr Mars / I haue a grete meruayle
3111 That thou doost promyse hym that he shall attayne
3112 Vnto his purpose with all dylygente trauayle
3113 Through thyn ayd eke strength and counsayle
3114 Sythens dependeth in myn ordenaunce
3115 Hym to promote or brynge to myschaunce
3116 My power / estate and ryall dygnyte
3117 Doth torne the whele of worthely glorye
3118 Often vp so downe by mutabylyte
3119 Haue not I promoted full nobly
3120 Many a lowe degre to reygne full ryally
3121 And often haue made a transmutacyon
3122 Of worldly welthe in to trybulacyon
3123 Thus can I make an alteracyon
3124 Of worthely honoure whiche doth depende
3125 All onely in my domynacyon
3126 Through the worlde my whele doth extende
3127 As reason doth ryght well comprehende
3128 Of my grete chaunces whiche are vnsure
3129 As dayly dooth appere well in vre
3130 Yf I sholde werke with perfyte stedfastnes
3131 As to exalte some to be honourable
3132 And that they knewe by perfyte sykernes
3133 That it sholde dure and not be varyable
3134 It were a thynge vnto me culpaple
3135 For grete orguell pryde sholde them so blynde
3136 To knowe themselfe they sholde lose theyr mynde
3137 Thus whan that they sholde themselfe forgete
3138 And in no wyse theyr owne persone knowe
3139 Full lytell than they wolde by me sette
3140 That them exalted to hye degre from lowe
3141 And by my chaunce coude nought them ouerthrowe
3142 Thus sholde they do and drede me nothynge
3143 Wherfore my whele is euermore tournynge
3144 And where that I sholde torne my face
3145 Castynge some in pytte of pouerte
3146 They were condampned without ony grace
3147 As for to attayne ony prosperyte
3148 Whiche were a cause of grete iniquyte
3149 For ryche mennes goodes I must ofte translate
3150 Vnto the pore them for to eleuate
3151 And thyrdly I sholde lese my name
3152 For this worde fortune is well derefyde
3153 Of an accydent chaunce bothe good or shame
3154 Whan that the dede is so exemplefyde
3155 Wherfore by reason I must be duplyfyde
3156 And nothynge stable in myn hye werke
3157 As wryteth many a ryght noble clerke
3158 Therfore by reason I must be mutable
3159 And torne my whele ryght oft vp so downe
3160 Labourynge in werkes whiche are vnstable
3161 On some to laugh and on some I must frowne
3162 Thus all aboute in euery realme and towne
3163 I shewe my power in euery sundry wyse
3164 Some to descende and on some to aryse
3165 Wherfore my power doth ryght well excell
3166 Aboue the Mars in thyn house enclosed
3167 For to rule man thou hast power neueradell
3168 Saue after the somwhat he is dysposed
3169 Thy consolacyon hath hym so apposed
3170 Who vnder the taketh his natyuyte
3171 Yet god hath gyuen hym power to rule the
3172 Wherfore I am of a ferre hyer power
3173 Than thou arte for there is no defence
3174 Agaynst my wyll at ony tyme or houre
3175 And in my name there is a deference
3176 For in these wordes in my magnyfycence
3177 Predestynate and also desteny
3178 As I shall shewe anone more formably
3179 Predestynate dooth ryght well sygnyfy
3180 A thynge to come whiche is prepayred
3181 None but god doth knowe it openly
3182 Tyll that the dede cause it be declared
3183 For many a one whan they well fared
3184 Full lytell thought that trybulacyon
3185 To them was ordeyned by predestynacyon
3186 The desteny is a thynge accydent
3187 And by the werke dooth take the effecte
3188 Tyll it be done it is ay precedent
3189 No man from it can hymselfe abiecte
3190 Thus euery chaunce doth fortune derecte
3191 Wherfore by reason la graunde amoure
3192 Must sue vnto me to do hym socoure
3193 Aha quod Mars suche a one as thou
3194 I neuer knewe byfore this season
3195 For thou thy selfe doost so moche enpron
3196 Aboue the heuens by exaltacyon
3197 But what for all thy commendacyon
3198 Arte thou now ony thynge substancyall
3199 Spyrytuall or elles yet terrestryall
3200 How can a werke perfytely be grounded
3201 But in this two and thou arte of those
3202 Wherfore for nought thou mayst be confounded
3203 For nought in substaunce can nothynge transpose
3204 Of none effecte thou canst thy selfe dysclose
3205 How hast thou power in ony maner of case
3206 In heuen or erthe without a dwellynge place
3207 But that poetes hath made a fygure
3208 Of the for the grete sygnyfycacyon
3209 The chaunge of man so for to dyscure
3210 Accordynge to a moralyzacyon
3211 And of the trouth to make relacyon
3212 The man is fortune in the propre dede
3213 And not thou that causeth hym to spede
3214 What nedeth hym vnto his selfe to sue
3215 Sythen thou art the dedes of his chaunce
3216 Thou to rule man it is a thynge not true
3217 Now where vpon doth hange this ordenaunce
3218 But accedent vpon the gouernaunce
3219 Of the hye bodyes whiche doth man dyspose
3220 The dede to do as hym lyst purpose

How mynerue ledde Graūde Amoure to kynge Melyzyus whiche made hym knyght. ca. xxviii.3221 To here of Mars the meruaylous argument
3222 And of fortune I was sore amased
3223 Tyll that I sawe a lady excellent
3224 Clerely armed vpon whome I gased
3225 And her armes full preuely I blased
3226 The shelde of golde as I well vnderstande
3227 With a lyon of asure through passande
3228 To me she came with lowely countenaunce
3229 And bad me welcome vnto that mancyon
3230 Ledynge me forthe with Ioy and plesaunce
3231 Into an hall of meruaylous facyon
3232 Ryght strongly fortyfyed of olde foundacyon
3233 The pyllours of yuory garnysshed with golde
3234 With perles sette and broudred many a folde
3235 The flore was paued with stones precyous
3236 And the rose was braunched curyously
3237 Of the beten golde both gay and gloryous
3238 Knotted with pomaunders ryght swetely
3239 Encencynge out the yll odours mysty
3240 And on the walles ryght well dyde appere
3241 The sege of Thebes depaynted fayre and clere
3242 There were knyghtes playenge at the chesse
3243 Whiche sawe Mynerue lede me in the hall
3244 They lefte theyr play and all theyr besynesse
3245 And welcomed me ryght gentely withall
3246 With syr Nurture than moost in specyall
3247 Accompanyed of his brother curtesy
3248 They made me chere than full effectually
3249 And after that they brought me vp a stayre
3250 In to a chambre gayly gloryfyed
3251 And at the dore there stode a knyght ryght fayre
3252 Ye clypped trouthe ryght clerely purefyed
3253 His countenaunce was ryght well modyfyed
3254 To me he sayde that before myn entres
3255 Hym for to loue I sholde hym promes
3256 Of ryght he sayd I haue in custody
3257 This chambre dore of kynge Melyzyus
3258 That no man entre in to it wrongfully
3259 Without me trouthe for to be chyualrous
3260 Here knyghtes be made to be vyctoryous
3261 I shall you promyse quod I faythfully
3262 You for to loue and serue perdurably
3263 Abyde quod he I wyll speke with the kynge
3264 Tell me your name and habytacyon
3265 And y&supere; chefe cause now of your comynge
3266 That I to hym may make relacyon
3267 To knowe his mynde without varyacyon
3268 La graunde amoure my name is sayd I
3269 The cause of my comynge intentyfly
3270 Is for bycause that I haue enterprysed
3271 Now for the sake of fayre la belle pucell
3272 To passe the passage whiche I her promysed
3273 That is so daungerous with serpentes cruell
3274 And for asmoche as I knowe neueradell
3275 The feates of armes to attayne honoure
3276 I am come to lerne with dylygent laboure
3277 Than forthe he wente vnto the mageste
3278 Of kynge Melyzyus the myghty conqueroure
3279 Saynge O power so hye in dygnyte
3280 O prynce vyctoryous and famous Emperoure
3281 Of Iustynge truely the orgynall floure
3282 One graunde amoure wolde be acceptable
3283 In your hye courte for to be tendable
3284 With all my herte I wyll quod he accepte
3285 Hym to my seruyce for he is ryght worthy
3286 For vnto doctryne the hye way he kepte
3287 And so frome thens to the toure of chyualry
3288 He shall attayne grete actes wonderly
3289 Go on your way and brynge hym fast to me
3290 For I thynke longe hym to beholde and se
3291 And than the good knyght trouthe incontynent
3292 In to the chambre so pure / soone me lede
3293 Where sate the kynge so moche benyuolent
3294 In purple clothed set full of rubyes rede
3295 And all the flore on whiche we dyde trede
3296 Was crystall clere and the rofe at nyght
3297 Wish tarbuncles dyde gyue a meruaylous lyght
3298 The walles were hanged with clothe of tyssue
3299 Broudred with perles and rubyes rubyconde
3300 Myxte with emeraudes so full of vertue
3301 And bordred aboue with many a dyamonde
3302 An heuy herte it wolde make Iocunde
3303 For to beholde the meruaylous ryches
3304 The lordeshyp / welthe / and the grete worthynes
3305 There sate Melyzyus in his hye estate
3306 And ouer his heed was a payre of balaunce
3307 With his crowne / and ceptre after the true rate
3308 Of an other wordly kynge for to haue gouernaunce
3309 In his hande a balle of ryght grete cyrcumstaunce
3310 Before whome than I dyde knele adowne
3311 Saynge O Emperoure moost hygh of renowne
3312 I the beseche of thyn haboundaunt grace
3313 Me to accept in this courte the for to serue
3314 So to contynue by longe tyme and space
3315 Of chyualry that I may now deserue
3316 The ordre ryght and well it to obserue
3317 For to attayne the hygh aduauntage
3318 Of the enterpryse of my doughty vyage
3319 Welcome he sayd to this courte ryall
3320 Mynerue shall arme you with grete dylygence
3321 And teche you the feates of armes all
3322 For she them knoweth by good experyence
3323 In the olde tyme it was her scyence
3324 And I my selfe shall gyue you a worthy stede
3325 Called galantyse to helpe you in your nede
3326 I humbly thanked his grete hyenes
3327 And so to Mynerue I dyde than applye
3328 Whiche dyde me teche with syker perfytnes
3329 For to haunt armes ryght well and nobly
3330 Sapyence me ruled well and prudently
3331 Thus amonge knyghtes for to Iust and tourney
3332 Mynerue me taught in sundry wyse all day
3333 It was a Ioyfull and a knyghtly syght
3334 For to beholde so fayre and good a sorte
3335 Of goodly knyghtes armed clere and bryght
3336 That I sawe there whiche dyde me well exorte
3337 Armes to haunte with couragyous comforte
3338 Mynerue me taught my strokes and defence
3339 That in shorte space was no resystence
3340 Agaynst my power and myghty puyssaunce
3341 To my wylfull herte was nought impossyble
3342 I bare myselfe so without doubtaūce
3343 My herte made my courage inuyncyble
3344 Of whiche the trouthe was soone intellygyble
3345 With my behauynge before the preemynence
3346 Of kynge Mylyzyus famous excellence
3347 Whiche ryght anone for dame Mynerue sent
3348 And me also with syr trouthe to obey
3349 We thought full lytell what the mater ment
3350 But vnto hym we toke anone the way
3351 Entrynge the chambre so / fayre / clere and gay
3352 The kynge vs called vnto his persone
3353 Sayenge I wyll graunde amoure anone
3354 Truly make knyght for the tyme approcheth
3355 That he must haunt and seke aduenture
3356 For Labell pucell as true loue requyreth
3357 And fyrst of all began to me dyscure
3358 The hyghe order how I sholde take in cure
3359 And than anone he began to expresse
3360 What knyghthode was to perfyte sykernesse
3361 Knyghthode he sayd was fyrst establysshed
3362 The comyn welthe in ryght to defende
3363 That by the wronge it be not mynysshed
3364 So euery knyght must truely condyscende
3365 For the comyn welthe his power to entende
3366 Agaynst all suche rebelles contraryous
3367 Them to subdue with power vyctoryous
3368 For knyghthode is not in the feates of warre
3369 As for to fyght in quarell ryght or wronge
3370 But in a cause whiche trouthe can not defarre
3371 He ought hymselfe for to make sure and stronge
3372 Iustyce to kepe myxte with mercy amonge
3373 And no quarell a knyght ought to take
3374 But for a trouthe or for the comyns sake
3375 For fyrst good hope his legge harneys sholde be
3376 His habergyon of perfyte ryghtwysnes
3377 Gyrde fast with the gyrdle of chastyte
3378 His ryche placarde sholde be good besynes
3379 Braudred with almes so full of larges
3380 The helmet mekenes / and the shelde good fayth
3381 His swerde goddes wordes as saynt Poule sayth
3382 Also true wydowes he ought to restore
3383 Vnto theyr ryght for to attayne theyr dower
3384 And to vpholde and maynteyne euermore
3385 The welthe of maydens with his myghty power
3386 And to his souerayne at euery maner hower
3387 To be redy true and eke obeysaunt
3388 In stable loue fyxt / and not varyaunt
3389 Thus after this noble and solempne doctryne
3390 He made my knyght and gaue me in charge
3391 Vnto these poyntes ryght lowe to enclyne
3392 And to stere well the frayle tumblynge barge
3393 Ouer vaynglorye whan I sayle at large
3394 Whan the wynde is ryght the barge can not fayle
3395 Vnto his purpose so with hardynes to sayle
3396 I dyde well regystre in my remembraunce
3397 Euery thynge whiche he hathe to me tolde
3398 And ryght anone in good resemblaunce
3399 The kynge I thanked with courage ryght bolde
3400 Of his grete gyftes and grace many a folde
3401 Whiche vnto me ryght openly he shewed
3402 With golden droppes so lyberally indewed
3403 I toke my leue of his ryght hye estate
3404 And then Mynerue in to the hall me brought
3405 Accompanyed of trouthe my faythfull mate
3406 Vs for to solace there lacked ryght nought
3407 That ony man can prynte in his thought
3408 The knyghtes all vnto theyr armes wente
3409 To brynge me forwarde with a true entente
3410 And Mynerue armed me as she coude deuyse
3411 And brought vnto me my fayre barbed stede
3412 On whome I mounted in all goodly guyse
3413 With shelde and spere as nothynge to drede
3414 In ryght to fyght for to attayne my mede
3415 So with me went bothe my greyhoundes twayne
3416 And good attendaunce my verlet certayne
3417 The good knyght trouthe brought me on the way
3418 Accompanyed than of syr fydelyte
3419 With haute courage betrapped fayre and gay
3420 With shynynge trappoures of curyosyte
3421 And thenne also there rode forth with me
3422 The sturdy knyght well named fortytude
3423 With the noble veterane syr consuetude
3424 And eke syr Iustyce and syr myserycorde
3425 Syr sapyence with good syr curteysy
3426 With famous nurture / and than syr concorde
3427 Accompanyed me full ryght gentylly
3428 Oute of the castell rydynge ryally
3429 And dame Mynerue the chyualreous goddes
3430 Dyde me endue then with herty hardynes
3431 And whan we came in to a goodly playne
3432 Ryght of them all I toke my lycence
3433 Me thought it tyme that they tourne agayne
3434 Vnto the kynge with all theyr dylygence
3435 I made myn othe with percynge influence
3436 Vnto them all for to remayne full true
3437 In stedfast loue all treason to eschue
3438 Full lothe they were fro me to departe
3439 Euery one of them as ye may vnderstande
3440 With salte teres full wofull was my harte
3441 Whan all on rowe they toke me by the hande
3442 Adyeu they sayd and grace with you stande
3443 You for to ayde whan that you do fyght
3444 And so they torned vnto the castell ryght
3445 And good dame Mynerue vnto me than sayde
3446 Be not adredde of your hye entrepryse
3447 Be bolde and hardy and nothynge afrayde
3448 And rather deye in ony maner of wyse
3449 To attayne honoure and the lyfe dyspyse
3450 Than for to lyue and to remayne in shame
3451 For to dye with honoure it is a good name
3452 Fare well she sayd and be of good chere
3453 I must departe I may no lenger tary
3454 Ryde on your way the weder is full clere
3455 Seke your aduenture and loke ye not vary
3456 Frome your hye ordre by ony contrary
3457 And therwithall forthe on her way she rode
3458 Ryght so dyde I whiche no lenger abode
3459 With bothe my greyhoundes and my varlet
3460 Thrughe the playne and in to wyldernes
3461 And so alofte amonge the hylles gret
3462 Tyll it was nyght so thycke of derkenes
3463 That of constraynt of veray werynes
3464 We lyght adowne vnder an hyll syde
3465 Vnto the day to rest vs there that tyde
3466 And whan my page my helmet vnlaced
3467 He layde it downe vnderneth my hede
3468 And to his legge he my stede enbraced
3469 To grase about whyle on the grase he fed
3470 And than also his horse in lyke stede
3471 With bothe our greyhoundes lyenge vs nere by
3472 And slouthe our hedes had caught so sodaynly
3473 That all the nyght we slepte in good reste
3474 Tyll agaynst day began to nese and cry
3475 My stede galantyse with a rorynge breste
3476 And eke began to stampe full meruaylously
3477 Whose hye courage awaked vs wonderly
3478 And ryght anone we kest vp our eyes
3479 Beholdynge aboue the fayre crystall skyes
3480 Seynge the cloudes rayed fayre and rede
3481 Of Phebus rysynge in the oryent
3482 And aurora her golden bemes sprede
3483 Aboute the ayre clerely refulgent
3484 Withouten mysty blacke encombremente
3485 Vp I arose and also my page
3486 Makynge vs redy for to take our vyage.

How he departed frome kynge Melyzyus with his grehoūdes and attendance his varlet and met with false reporte / that chaunged his name to Godfraye go bylyue. Ca. xxix.

3487 And so forth we rode tyll we sawe a ferre
3488 To vs came rydynge on a lytell nagge
3489 A folysshe dwarfe nothynge for the warre
3490 With a hood / a bell / a foxtayle / and a bagge
3491 In a pyed cote he rode brygge a bragge
3492 And whan that he vnto vs drewe nye
3493 I behelde his body and his vysnamye
3494 His hede was grete betled was his browes
3495 His eyen holowe / and his nose croked
3496 His bryes brystled truely lyke a sowes
3497 His chekes here / and god wote he loked
3498 Full lyke an ape / here and there he toted
3499 With a pyed berde / and hangynge lyppes grete
3500 And euery tothe as blacke as ony gete
3501 His necke shorte his sholders stode awry
3502 His brest fatte and bolne in the wast
3503 His armes grete with fyngers crokedly
3504 His legges kewed he rode to me fast
3505 Full lyke a patron to be shaped in hast
3506 Good euen he sayd and haue good day
3507 Yf that it lyke you for to ryde meryly
3508 Welcome I sayd I pray the now tell
3509 Me what thou art and where thou doost dwell
3510 Sotheych quod he whan I cham in kent
3511 At home I cham though I be hyther sent
3512 I cham a gentylman of moche noble kynne
3513 Though Iche be cladde in a knaues skynne
3514 For ther was one called peter prate fast
3515 That in all his lyfe spake no worde in wast
3516 He wedde a wyfe that was called maude
3517 I trowe quod I she was a gorgyous baude
3518 Thou lyest quod he she was gentyll and good
3519 She gaue her husbande many a furde hode
3520 And at his melys without ony mys

3521 She wolde hym serue in clenly wyse ywys
3522 God loue her soule as she loued clennes
3523 And kepe her dysshes from all foulnes
3524 Whan she lacketh cloutes without ony fayle
3525 She wyped her dysshes with her dogges tayle
3526 And they had yssue sym sadle gander
3527 That for a wyfe in all the worlde dyde wander
3528 Tyll at the last in the wynters nyght
3529 By temmys he sayled and aryued a ryght
3530 Amonge the nunnes of the grene cote
3531 He wente to lande out of his prety bote
3532 And wedde there one that was comen a newe
3533 He thought her stable and faythfull and trewe
3534 Her name was Betres that so clenly was
3535 That no fylthe by her in ony wyse sholde pas
3536 For in her lyfe that ony man coude spy
3537 She let no ferte nor yet fyst truely
3538 And bytwene them bothe they dyde gete a sone
3539 Whiche was my fader that in Kent dyde wone
3540 His name was dauy dronken nole
3541 He neuer dranke but in a fayre blacke boule
3542 He toke a wyfe that was very fayre
3543 And gate me on her for to be his ayre
3544 Her name was alyson that loued nought elles
3545 But euer more to rynge her blacke belles
3546 Now are they deed all so mote I well thryue
3547 Excepte my selfe Godfrey gobylyue
3548 Whiche rode aboute a wyse me to seke
3549 But I can fynde none that is good and meke
3550 For all are shrewes in the worlde aboute
3551 I coude neuer mete with none other route
3552 For some deuylles wyll theyr husbondes bete
3553 And tho that can not they wyll neuer-lete
3554 Theyr tonges cease but gyue thre wordes for one
3555 Fy on them all I wyll of them haue none
3556 Who loueth ony for to make hym sadde
3557 I wene that he become wors than madde
3558 They are not stedfast nothynge in theyr mynde
3559 But alway tornynge lyke a blast of wynde
3560 For lete a man loue them neuer so wele
3561 They wyll hym loue agayne neuer a dele
3562 For though a man all his lyfe certayne
3563 Vnto her sue to haue release of payne
3564 And at the last she on hym do rewe
3565 Yf by fortune there come an other newe
3566 The fyrst shall be clene out of her fauoure
3567 Recorde of Creseyd and of Troylus the doloure
3568 They are so subtyll and so false of kynde
3569 There can no man wade beyonde theyr mynde
3570 Was not Arystotle for all his clergy
3571 For a woman rapt in loue so meruaylously
3572 That all his connynge he had sone forgoten
3573 This vnhappy loue had his mynde so broken
3574 That euermore the salte teres downe hayled
3575 Whan the chaunce of loue he hymselfe bewayled
3576 Aferde he was of the true loue to breke
3577 For saynge nay whan he therof sholde speke
3578 Tyll of constraynt of wofull heuynes
3579 For to haue remedy of his sore sekenes
3580 Whan he her spyed ryght secrete alone
3581 Vnto her he wente and made all his mone
3582 Alas he sayd the cause of my wo
3583 Myn onely lady and maystres also
3584 Whose goodly beaute hath my herte enrached
3585 With feruent loue and fyry lemes entached
3586 Wherfore take pyte of the paynfull sorowe
3587 Of me your seruaunt bothe euen and morowe
3588 She stode ryght styll and herde what he sayd
3589 Alas quod she be ye nomore dysmayde
3590 For I am contente to fulfyll your wyll
3591 In euery maner be it good or yll
3592 Of this condycyon that ye shall release
3593 Me fyrst of wo and of my grete dystres
3594 For I my selfe haue thoughte many a day
3595 To you to speke / but for fere of a nay
3596 I durst neuer of the mater meue
3597 Vnto your persone leest it sholde you greue
3598 Nay nay quod he with all my hole entente
3599 I shall obey to your commaundemente
3600 Well than quod she I shall you now tell
3601 How the case stondeth truely euerydell
3602 For you knowe well that some women do longe
3603 After nyce thynges be it ryght or wronge
3604 Ryght so must I vpon your backe now ryde
3605 In your mouthe also a brydle you to guyde
3606 And so a brydle she put in his mouthe
3607 Vpon his backe she rode bothe northe and southe
3608 Aboute a chambre as some cherkes wene
3609 Of many persones it was openly sene
3610 Lo what is loue that can so sore blynde
3611 A phylosophre to brynge hym out of kynde
3612 For loue dothe pas ony maner of thynge
3613 It is harde and preuy in werkynge
3614 So on the grounde Arystotle crepte
3615 And in his tethe she longe the brydle kepte
3616 Tyll she therof had ynougher fyll
3617 And yet for this he neuer had his wyll
3618 She dyde nothynge but for to mocke and scorne
3619 This true louer whiche was for loue forlorne
3620 But whan he knewe the poynt of the case
3621 The fyry angre dyde his herte enbrace
3622 That he hym selfe dyde anone well knowe
3623 His anger dyde his loue so ouerthrowe
3624 And ryght anone as some poetes wryte
3625 He the grete mockage dyde her well acquyte.
3626 Dyde not a woman the famous Vyrgyle
3627 By her grete fraude full craftely begyle
3628 For on a day for his owne dysporte
3629 To the courte of Rome he gan to resporte
3630 Amonge the ladyes the tyme for to passe
3631 Tyll at the last lyke Phebus in the glasse
3632 So dyde a lady with her beaute clere
3633 Shyne through his herte with suche loue so dere
3634 Than of grete force he must nedes obey
3635 She of his mynde bare bothe the locke and kay
3636 So was his herte sette vpon a fyre
3637 With feruent loue to attayne his desyre
3638 She had hym caught in suche a wyly snare
3639 Grete was his payne and moche more his care
3640 To fynde a tyme whan it sholde be meued
3641 To her of loue and he nothynge repreued
3642 Thus euery day by ymagynacyon
3643 In his mynde was suche perturbacyon
3644 And at the laste he had founde a tyme
3645 Hym thought to speke and vnto hym no cryme
3646 Mercy lady now in all humble wyse
3647 To her he sayd for yf ye me dyspyse
3648 So hath your beaute my true herte arayde
3649 It is no meruayle though I be afrayde
3650 To you to speke yf that you deny
3651 My purpose / truely I am marde vtterly
3652 So do I loue you with all my herte entere
3653 With inwarde care I by your beauty dere
3654 I must abyde with all my hole entent
3655 Of lyfe or dethe your onely Iugement
3656 With fayned eres of perfyte audyence
3657 She dyde hym here gyuynge this sentence
3658 Vyrgyll she sayd I wolde fayne you ease
3659 Of your trouble and of your grete dysease
3660 But I wote not how that it sholde be
3661 Without tournynge vs to grete dyshoneste
3662 Yf it be knowen / than bothe you and I
3663 Shall by reheyted at full shamefully
3664 But what for that I haue me bethought
3665 A praty crafte by me shall be wrought
3666 Ye knowe my chambre Ioyneth to a wall
3667 Beynge ryght hygh and a wyndowe withall
3668 Soone at nyght whan all folke be at reste
3669 I shall take a basket as me thynketh beste
3670 And therto I shall a longe corde well tye
3671 And frome the wyndowe lete it downe pryuelye
3672 Ryght so whan it is adowne on the grounde
3673 Ye may well entre in it bothe hole and sounde
3674 And my two maydens the whiche secrete be
3675 Shall anone helpe to hale you vp with me
3676 Lo in this wyse you may haue ryght well
3677 Your owne desyre in shorte space euery dell
3678 At a .xj. of clocke in the nyght so derke
3679 They dede appoynt for to fulfyll this werke
3680 He often thanked her grete gentylnes
3681 And so departed with grete gladnes
3682 And so he wente vnto his study
3683 Passynge the tyme hym selfe full merely
3684 Tyll that the cloke dyde stryke aleuen
3685 Than to the wall he wente full euen
3686 And founde the basket at the grounde a redy
3687 And entred into it full sodaynly
3688 Waggynge the rope whiche the lady espyed
3689 Whiche to the wyndowe ryght anone her hyed
3690 With her two maydens she dyde hym vp wynde
3691 Amyddes the wall and lefte hym there behynde
3692 That was fyue fadam and more frome the grounde
3693 Whan hymselfe in suche a case he founde
3694 Alas he sayd my owne lady saue
3695 Myn honeste and what ye lyst to haue
3696 Ye shall haue it at your owne desyre
3697 Now wynde me vp me herte is on fyre
3698 Thou shalte quod she in that place abyde
3699 That all the cyte so ryght longe and wyde
3700 May the beholde and the mater knowe
3701 For myne honeste and thy shame I trowe
3702 So there he hynge tyll none of the day
3703 That euery persone whiche went by the way
3704 Myght hym well se and also beholde
3705 And vnto them the very cause she tolde
3706 Lo how with shame she her loue rewarded
3707 His payne and sorow she nothynge regarded
3708 Thus at the last he adowne was brought
3709 Replete with shame it vayled hym ryght nought
3710 Thus with grete angre he his loue confounded
3711 Helynge the stroke whiche that she had wounded
3712 And by his crafte he in Rome dyde drenche
3713 Euery fyre / for he lefte none to quenche
3714 And towarde Rome a grete tyrcuyte aboute
3715 There was no fyre that was vn put oute
3716 He at her buttockes set a brennynge cole
3717 No fyre there was but at her ars hole
3718 She torned her tout that was cryspe and fat
3719 All about Rome dyde fetche theyr fyre therat
3720 One of an other myght no fyre get
3721 It wold not kyndle without he it fet
3722 Frome her ars by the magykes art
3723 She blewe the fyre whan she lete a fart
3724 Thus euery man myght beholde and se
3725 With the lyght of fyre her praty preuyte
3726 Thus all the cyte vpon her dyde wonder
3727 For perfyte sorowe her herte was nere a sonder
3728 And thus Vyrgyll with crafty subtylnes
3729 Rewarded her falshede and doublenes
3730 All this I tell though that I be a fole
3731 To the yonge knyght for thou mayst go to scole
3732 In tyme comynge of true loue to lerne
3733 Beware of that for thou canst not decerne
3734 Thy ladyes mynde though that she speke the fayre
3735 Her herte is false she wyll no trouthe repayre
3736 Nay quod I they are not all dysposed
3737 So for to do as ye haue here dysclosed
3738 Aha quod he I trowe well ye be
3739 A true louer so mote I thryue and the
3740 Lete not thy lady of thyn herte be rother
3741 Whan thou arte gone she wyll soone haue another
3742 Thus forthe we rode tyll we sawe a ferre
3743 A ryall toure as bryght as ony sterre
3744 To whiche we rode as fast as we myght
3745 Whan we came there adowne my stede I lyght
3746 So dyd this Godfrey gobylyue also
3747 In to the temple he after me gan go
3748 There sat dame Venus and Cupyde her sone
3749 Whiche had theyr parlyament ryght newly begone
3750 To redersse louers of theyr payne and wo
3751 Whiche in the temple dyde walke to and fro
3752 And euery one his byll dyde present
3753 Before Venus in her hygh parlyament
3754 The temple of her ryall consystory
3755 Was walled all aboute with yuory
3756 All of golde lyke a place solacyous
3757 The rose was made of knottes curyous
3758 I can nothynge extende the goodlynes
3759 Of her temple so moche of ryches
3760 This Godfrey gobyleue wente lyghtly
3761 Vnto dame sapyence the secretary
3762 That dyde hym make this supplycacyon
3763 To the goddes Venus with breuyacyon
3764 O lady Venus of loue the goddes
3765 Redres my payne of mortall heuynes
3766 I dyde ones wowe an olde mayden ryche
3767 A foule these an olde wydred wyche
3768 Fayre mayd I sayd wyll ye me haue
3769 Nay syr so god me kepe and saue
3770 For you are euyll fauoured and also vgly
3771 I am the worse to se your vysnamy
3772 Yet was she fouler many an hondred folde
3773 Than I my selfe as ye may well beholde
3774 And therwith all he caused to depaynt
3775 His face and hers all vnder his complaynt
3776 And to Venus he made delyueraunce
3777 Of his complayne by a shorte cyrcumstaunce
3778 Whiche ryght anone whan she had it sene
3779 Began to laugh with all the courte I wene
3780 Lo here the fygures of them both certayne
3781 Iuge whiche is best fauourde of them twayne.
3782 Thus godfrey gobyloue dyde make suche a sporte
3783 That many louers to hym dyde resorte
3784 Whan I sawe tyme I went to sapyence
3785 Shewynge to her with all my dylygence
3786 How that my herte by Venus was trapte
3787 With a snare of loue so preuely berapte
3788 And in her toure to haue a dwellynge place
3789 I seke aduentures to attayne her grace
3790 Her name quod I / la belle pucell is
3791 Bothe est and west she is well knoken ywys
3792 And my name la graunde amoure is called
3793 Whose herte with payne she all aboute hath walled
3794 With her beaute whiche dame nature create
3795 Aboue all other in moost hye estate
3796 Well sayd sapyence I thynke in my mynde
3797 Her loue and fauoure you shall attayne by kynde
3798 And I wyll drawe to you incontynent
3799 All your complaynt as is conuenyent!
3800 Vnto dame Venus to se derectly
3801 For your payne and sorowe soone a remedy
3802 She drewe my pyteous lamentacyon
3803 Accordynge to this supplycacyon.

How graūde amoure in the temple of Uenus made his supplycacyon. Ca. xxx. The supplycacyon.3804 O Venus lady and excellent goddes
3805 O celestyall sterre hauynge the souerayne
3806 Aboue all other sterres as lady and prynces
3807 As is accordynge vnto your deyte
3808 Pleaseth it now your grete benygnyte
3809 Vnto my complaynt for to gyue audyence
3810 Whiche brenne in loue with percynge vyolence
3811 For so it happed that the lady fame
3812 Dyde with me mete and gan to expresse
3813 Of a payre lady whiche had vnto name
3814 Labelle pucell come of hye noblesse
3815 Whose beauty clere and comly goodlynesse
3816 Frome daye to daye doth ryght well renne
3817 With grace brydled and with grete vertue
3818 She tolde me of her fayre habytacyon
3819 And of the wayes therto full daungerous
3820 Her swete reporte gaue exortacyon
3821 Vnto my herte for to be courygyous
3822 To pas the passage harde and troblous
3823 And to brynge me out of grete encumbraunce
3824 She me delyuered bothe grace and gouernaunce
3825 So forthe we went to the toure of scyence
3826 For to attayne in euery artyke poole
3827 And fyrst doctryne by good experyence
3828 Vnto dame gramer dyde sette me to scoole
3829 Of mysty ygnoraunce to oppres the doole
3830 And so I ascended vnto dame logyke
3831 And after her vnto lusty rethoryke
3832 Tyll at the last at a feest solemply
3833 To a temple I went dame musyke to here
3834 Play on her organs with swete armony
3835 But than on lofte I sawe to me appere
3836 The floure of comforte the sterre of vertue celere
3837 Whose beaute bryght in to my herte dyde passe
3838 Lyke as fayre Phebus dooth shyne in the glasse
3839 So was my herte by the stroke of loue
3840 With sorowe perst and with mortall payne
3841 That vnneth I myght frome the place remoue
3842 Where as I stode I was so take certayne
3843 Yet vp I loked to se her agayne
3844 And at auenture with a sory moode
3845 Vp than I went where as her persone stoode
3846 And fyrst of all my herte gan to lerne
3847 Ryght well to regyster in remembraunce
3848 How that her beaute I myght than decerne
3849 Frome toppe to too endued with pleasaunce
3850 Whiche I shall shewe withouten varyaunce
3851 Her shynynge here so proprely she dresses
3852 Alofe her forhede with fayre golden tresses
3853 Her forhede stepe with fayre browes ybente
3854 Her eyen gray / her nose strayght and fayre
3855 In her whyte chekes the fayre blode it wente
3856 As amonge the whyte the reed to repayre
3857 Her mouthe ryght small her brethe swete of ayre
3858 Her lyppes softe and rudy as a rose
3859 No herte on lyue but it wolde hym oppose
3860 With a lytell pytte in her well fauoured chynne
3861 Her necke longe and whyte as ony lyly
3862 With vaynes blewe in whiche the blode rāne inne
3863 Her pappes rounde / and therto ryght praty
3864 Her armes sclender / and of goodly body
3865 Her fyngers small / and therto ryght longe
3866 Whyte as the mylke with blewe vaynes amonge
3867 Her feet propre she gartred well her hose
3868 I neuer sawe so swete a creature
3869 Nothynge she lacketh as I do suppose
3870 That is longynge to fayre dame nature
3871 Yet more ouer her countenaunce so pure
3872 So swete / so louely wolde ony herte enspyre
3873 With feruente loue to attayne his desyre
3874 But what for her maners passeth all
3875 She is bothe gentyll good vertuous
3876 Alas what fortune dyde me to her call
3877 Without that she be to me pyteous
3878 With her so fetred in paynes dolourous
3879 Alas shall pyte be frome her exyled
3880 Whiche all vertues hath so vndefyled
3881 Thus in my mynde whan I had engraued
3882 Her goodly countenaunce and fayre fygure
3883 It was no wonder that I was amased
3884 My herte and mynde she had so tane in cure
3885 Nothynge of loue I durst to her dyscure
3886 Yet for bycause I was in her presence
3887 I toke acquayntaunce of her excellence
3888 My herte was drenched in grete sorowe depe
3889 Though outwardly my countenaunce was lyght
3890 The inwarde wo in to my herte dyde crepe
3891 To hyde my payne it was grete force and myght
3892 Thus her swete beaute with a sodayne syght
3893 My herte hath wounded whiche must nedes obeye
3894 Vnto suche a sorowe now alas welawaye
3895 For she is gone and departed ryght ferre
3896 In her countre where she doth abyde
3897 She is now gone the fayre shynynge sterre
3898 O lady Venus I pray the prouyde
3899 That I may after at the morowe tyde
3900 And by the waye with herte ryght rygoryous
3901 To subdue myn enemyes contraryous
3902 And yet thy grace moost humbly I praye
3903 To fende thy sone lytell Cupyde before
3904 With louynge letters as fast as thou maye
3905 That she may knowe some what of paynes sore
3906 Whiche for her sake I suffre euermore
3907 Now lady Venus with my hole entente
3908 Of lyfe or dethe I byde thy Iugement
3909 Well than sayd Venus I haue perseueraunce
3910 That you knowe somwhat of myghty power
3911 Whiche to my courte sue for acquayntaunce
3912 To haue release of your grete paynes sower
3913 Abyde a whyle ye must tary the hower
3914 The tyme renneth towarde ryght fast
3915 Ioy cometh after whan the sorowe is past
3916 Alas I sayd who is fettred in chaynes
3917 He thynketh longe after delyueracyon
3918 Of his grete wo and eke mortall paynes
3919 For who abydeth paynfull penaunce
3920 Thynketh a shorte whyle a longe contynuaunce
3921 Who may not speke with her he loueth beste
3922 It is no wonder thoughe he take no reste
3923 Abyde quod she you must a whyle yet tary
3924 Though to haue comforte ye ryght longe do thynke
3925 I shall prouyde for you a lectuary
3926 Whiche after sorowe into your herte shall synke
3927 Though you be brought now vnto dethes brynke
3928 Yet drede exyle and lyue in hope and trust
3929 For at the last you shall attayne your lust
3930 And specyally I gyue to you a charge
3931 To fyxe your loue for to be true and stable
3932 Vpon your lady and not to fle at large
3933 As in sundry wyse for to be varyable
3934 In corrupte thoughtes vyle and culpable
3935 Prepence nothynge vnto her dyshoneste
3936 For loue dyshonest hath no certaynte
3937 And sythen that I was cause you begone
3938 Fyrst for to loue I shall a letter make
3939 Vnto your lady / and sende it by my sone
3940 Lytell Cupyde / that shall it to her take
3941 That she your sorowe may detray or slake
3942 Her harded herte it shall well reuolue
3943 With pyteous wordes that shall it desolue
3944 And ryght anone as the maner foloweth
3945 She caused sapyence a letter to wryte
3946 Lo what her fauoure vnto me auayleth
3947 Whan for my sake she dyde so well endyte
3948 As I shall shewe in a shorte respyte
3949 The gentyll fourme and tenoure of her letter
3950 To spede my cause for to attayne the better.

© Stephen Hawes