Theory of Something

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Roaches laid open by minutens, arrangedin a glass box under rule of thumb, heirs

to irony without the wit to appreciate it.Every indication is solidly in place.

Constants of the universe stack the deckfor carbon-based dominance--if only

we could reckon why the numbers are.Pad Planck's minuscule h-bar and we're

adrift through living room walls, for example,suddenly. Inspired fenestration, that's what

every home planet needs. Wainscotting, snakeplants, a phalanx of Marthas to descry

the feng shui no-nos. Beethoven's Fifth loudin the background, making us all Romantics.

Yet however far we train the scope, a cornerripples with Neil's flag. Reason evolved

to shoot for the moon, no? Hawking enteredGod's mind while confined to a chair ...

there, as good as any. Soak the dishes inthe sink, part the panel curtains. The night

above our kitchen is newly bright. Countthe stars. The final answer is everything, but.

© Tierney Matthew