
written by

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Now the zunny aïr's a-blowèn
  Softly over flowers a-growèn;
  An' the sparklèn light do quiver
  On the ivy-bough an' river;
  Bleätèn lambs, wi' woolly feäces,
  Now do plaÿ, a-runnèn reäces;
  An' the springèn
  Lark's a-zingèn,
  Lik' a dot avore the cloud,
  High above the ashes sh'oud.

  Housèn, in the open brightness,
  Now do sheen in spots o' whiteness;
  Here an' there, on upland ledges,
  In among the trees an' hedges,
  Where, along by vlocks o' sparrows,
  Chatt'rèn at the ploughman's harrows.
  Dousty rwoaded,
  Jenny, though her cloak is thin,
  Do wish en hwome upon the pin.

  Zoo come along, noo longer heedvul
  Ov the viër, leätely needvul,
  Over grass o' slopèn leäzes,
  Zingèn zongs in zunny breezes;
  Out to work in copse, a-mootèn,
  Where the primrwose is a-shootèn,
  An in gladness,
  Free o' sadness,
  In the warmth o' Spring vorget
  Leafless winter's cwold an' wet.

© William Barnes