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Quotes by Yahia Lababidi

The human animal is best revealed to others in their natural environment, yet best revealed to themselves outside it.
Two things that stain the mind, long after they have stained the hands: blood and newspapers.
Marrying for looks is like buying books for their pictures - a good idea, if one cannot read.
Idol worship: a perversion of self-worship.
The notion of family is merely a comforting fallacy. In truth, there are only relative strangers.
Miracles are proud creatures; they will not reveal themselves to those who do not Believe.
Envious of natural disasters, men have created their own.
If one is otherwise engaged, it tends to leave them alone.
Certain strains of writing are a form of life-support, stretched across space and time, to sustain world-weary readers.
Myths are history, too; the history of the human imagination.
Art: trail of breadcrumbs left by artists, for themselves and others, to remember the Way
Time forbids attachments. Clinging to a particular time is courting madness.
Temptation: seeds we are forbidden to water, that are showered with rain.
Paradise, as a symbol, represents what we are denied in our earthly existence. To the thinker, this means: the certainty of answers.
Looking death in the eye is like staring into the sun; for a while, you see its impression everywhere, stare too long and you see nothing else.
Reading a great work is being granted an audience with a great mind.
Style is thought put to music.
A small curiosity is petty, but a great curiosity philosophic.
Even the most imaginative writers are merely scribes to their inspiration.
Inspiration is the revelation of hidden relations; Wisdom, the cultivation of that Inspiration.
To better appreciate our parameters, we must act as though all were permitted.
Time heals old wounds only because there are new wounds to attend to.
The small spirit is quick to misperceive an insult, the large spirit slow to receive a compliment.
Our wisdom always mocks us, since it knows more than we can.
Liar: one who claims to tell the truth, always.