Envy poems

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Chorus Of Furies

© Basil Bunting

Guarda mi disse, le feroce Erine

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R. S. S.

© William Cowper

All-worshipped Gold! thou mighty mystery

Say by what name shall I address thee rather,

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A Panegyric

© Edmund Waller

While with a strong and yet a gentle hand,
You bridle faction, and our hearts command,
Protect us from ourselves, and from the foe,
Make us unite, and make us conquer too;

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Monody On The Death Of Wendell Phillips

© Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Ever he faced the storm!
No weaver of rare romance,
No patient framer of laws,
No maker of wondrous rhyme,
No bookman wrapt in his dream.

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When I Was King

© Henry Lawson

The second time I lived on earth

  Was several hundred years ago;

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Windsor Forest

© Alexander Pope

Thy forests, Windsor! and thy green retreats,

At once the Monarch's and the Muse's seats,

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Don Juan: Canto The First

© George Gordon Byron

I want a hero: an uncommon want,

When every year and month sends forth a new one,

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Marmion: Canto II. - The Convent

© Sir Walter Scott


The breeze, which swept away the smoke,

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Paradise Lost : Book I.

© John Milton

Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit

Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste

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Rokeby: Canto I.

© Sir Walter Scott


The Moon is in her summer glow,

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The Brus Book XVII

© John Barbour

[Only Berwick remains in English hands; a burgess offers to betray it]

The lordis off the land war fayne

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Fragments from 'Genius Lost'

© Charles Harpur

 I SEE the boy-bard neath life’s morning skies,
 While hope’s bright cohorts guess not of defeat,
 And ardour lightens from his earnest eyes,
And faith’s cherubic wings around his being beat.

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St. John Baptist's Day

© John Keble

Twice in her season of decay

The fallen Church hath felt Elijah's eye

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The Ox tamer

© Walt Whitman

IN a faraway northern county, in the placid, pastoral region,

Lives my farmer friend, the theme of my recitative, a famous Tamer of

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Hudibras: Part 2 - Canto I

© Samuel Butler

Quoth she, I grant it is in vain.
For one that's basted to feel pain,
Because the pangs his bones endure
Contribute nothing to the cure:
Yet honor hurt, is wont to rage
With pain no med'cine can asswage.

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Epitaphs Translated From Chiabrera

© William Wordsworth

WEEP not, beloved Friends! nor let the air
For me with sighs be troubled. Not from life
Have I been taken; this is genuine life

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Metamorphoses: Book The Tenth

© Ovid

 The End of the Tenth Book.

 Translated into English verse under the direction of
 Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison,
 William Congreve and other eminent hands

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© Robert Browning

Then did the Form expand, expand—
I knew Him through the dread disguise,
As the whole God within his eyes
Embraced me.

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Theron And Zoe

© Walter Savage Landor

Theron: That, since we sate together lay by day,
And walkt together, sang together, none
Of earliest, gentlest, fondest, maiden friends
Loved you as formerly. If one remain'd
Dearer to you than any of the rest,
You could not wish her greater happiness . .

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Il Y A Cent Ans

© George Meredith

That march of the funereal Past behold;
How Glory sat on Bondage for its throne;
How men, like dazzled insects, through the mould
Still worked their way, and bled to keep their own.