Poems begining by L

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Le Brave, brave automne!

© Jules Laforgue

Quand reviendra l'automne,Cette saison si triste,Je vais m'la passer bonne,Au point de vue artiste.

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Les Images d'un songe

© L'Hermite François Tristan

C'est fait de mes Destins, je commence à sentirLes incommoditez que la vieillesse apporte

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© L'Abbé Sonnet

I try to take onlymy edited selfto public places.

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Labor’s Greeting

© Joussaye Marie

To His Royal Highness, the Duke of Cornwall and York.Canada, 1901

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London: A Poem, in Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal

© Samuel Johnson

Though grief and fondness in my breast rebel,

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Les Djinns

© Victor Marie Hugo

Murs, ville, Et port, Asile De mort, Mer grise Où brise La brise, Tout dort.

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La Conscience

© Victor Marie Hugo

Lorsque avec ses enfants vêtus de peaux de bêtes,Echevelé, livide au milieu des tempêtes,Caïn se fut enfui de devant Jéhovah,Comme le soir tombait, l'homme sombre arrivaAu bas d'une montagne en une grande plaine;Sa femme fatiguée et ses fils hors d'haleineLui dirent: "Couchons-nous sur la terre, et dormons

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© Victor Marie Hugo

1. La Retraite de Moscou

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Loving Kind

© Alec Derwent Hope

Loving Kind went by the way,Hapless Loving Kind,Up and down, by night and day,

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Lusty Youth should us ensue

© Henry VIII, King of England

Lusty Youth should us ensue,His merry heart shall sure all rue.For whatsoever they do him tell,It is not for him, we know it well.

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Lost River

© Susan Frances Harrison

Well--let it be! The tales persist.Lost River only sees the sunClose shrouded in the mountain mist.

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Lines and Figures

© Charles Harpur

There is no curve of sea or sky,No turn of hill-top far defined,Without some fitness for the eye,Some meaning for the mind.

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Love Canal

© Hamilton Jane Eaton

Medical wasteand the spawned babiesof industrial parksare starting to talk back.It's not the terrible two's --it's adolescent urges withwet dreams and blood.

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© Gotlieb Phyllis

Mercator a mapmaker a shaperof great currents ofcontinents on paper

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La Pipe

© Girard Sieur de Saint-Amant Saint-Amant

Assis sur un fagot, une pipe à la main,Tristement accoudé contre une cheminée,Les yeux fixés vers terre, et l'ame mutinée,Je songe aux cruautés de mon sort inhumain

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L'Hyver des Alpes

© Girard Sieur de Saint-Amant Saint-Amant

Ces atomes de feu qui sur la neige brillent,Ces estincelles d'or, d'azur et de cristalDont l'hyver, au soleil, d'un lustre orientalPare ses cheveux blancs que les vents esparpillent;

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Lot's Wife

© Gilbert Ruth

The heart remembers her, that wholly humanAnd fleeing woman

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Love's Menu: Pommes de Terre Frites

© William Gay

Fried potatoes is a dishGood as any one could wish:Cheap it is, and appetizing;Turn a saint to gormandizing:Good and cheap and tasty too,Just the thing for Love's Menu.

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Love's Infinity

© William Gay

Dear lowly flower that liftest upAmong the grass thy golden cup,I take thee from thy earthly bedAnd plant thee in my heart instead.