Power poems

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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Third

© George Gordon Byron

I Ada! sole daughter of my house and heart? When last I saw thy young blue eyes they smil'd, And then we parted--not as now we part, But with a hope

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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Fourth

© George Gordon Byron

I A palace and a prison on each hand: I saw from out the wave her structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand: A thousand years their cloudy wings expand Around me, and a dying Glory smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject land Look'd to the winged Lion's marble piles,Where Venice sate in state, thron'd on her hundred isles!

II Rising with her tiara of proud towers At airy distance, with majestic motion, A ruler of the waters and their powers: And such she was; her daughters had their dowers From spoils of nations, and the exhaustless East Pour'd in her lap all gems in sparkling showers

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Why didn't Ya Say so Before

© Burke Johnny

One night feelin' gay sure I went to a play,Fell in love with a girl in the pit

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The Trinity Cake

© Burke Johnny

As I leaned o'er the rail of the Eagle, The letter boy brought unto me,A little gilt edged invitation, Saying the girls want you over to tea,Sure I know the O'Hooligans sent it, And I went, just for ould friendship sakeWhen the first thing they gave me to tackle, Was a slice of the Trinity Cake

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Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIX

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Because thou hast the power and own'st the graceTo look through and behind this mask of me(Against which, years have beat thus blanchinglyWith their rains,) and behold my soul's true face,The dim and weary witness of life's race,-Because thou hast the faith and love to see,Through that same soul's distracting lethargy,The patient angel waiting for a placeIn the new Heavens,-because nor sin nor woe,Nor God's infliction, nor death's neighbourhood,Nor all which others viewing, turn to go,Nor all which makes me tired of all, self-viewed,-Nothing repels thee,

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Risus Dei

© Brown Thomas Edward

Methinks in Him there dwells alwayA sea of laughter very deep,Where the leviathans leap,And little children play,Their white feet twinkling on its crisped edge;But in the outer bayThe strong man drives the wedgeOf polished limbs,And swims

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The Testament of Beauty

© Robert Seymour Bridges

from Book I, Introduction

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© Christopher John Brennan

The droning tram swings westward: shrillthe wire sings overhead, and chillmidwinter draughts rattle the glassthat shows the dusking way I passto yon four-turreted square towerthat still exalts the golden hourwhere youth, initiate once, endearsa treasure richer with the years

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Europe: A Prophecy

© William Blake

The nameless shadowy female rose from out the breast of Orc,Her snaky hair brandishing in the winds of Enitharmon;And thus her voice arose:

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The Book of Urizen

© William Blake

CHAPTER IIn Eternity! Unknown, unprolific,Self-clos'd, all-repelling: what demonHath form'd this abominable void,This soul-shudd'ring vacuum? Some said"It is Urizen

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The Reformer

© Binyon Heward Laurence

August from a vault of hollow brassSteep upon the sullen city glares.Yellower burns the sick and parching grass,Shivering in the breath of furnace airs.

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Song from Abdelazar

© Aphra Behn

Love in fantastic triumph sat, Whilst bleeding hearts around him flow'd,For whom fresh pains he did create, And strange tyrannic power he shew'd;From thy bright eyes he took his fire, Which round about in sport he hurl'd;But 'twas from mine he took desire Enough to undo the amorous world

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To a Little Invisible Being Who is Expected Soon to Become Visible

© Anna Lætitia Barbauld

Germ of new life, whose powers expanding slowFor many a moon their full perfection wait,--Haste, precious pledge of happy love, to goAuspicious borne through life's mysterious gate.

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The Ballad which Anne Askew made and sang when she was in Newgate

© Askew Anne

Like as the armed knightAppointed to the field,With this world will I fightAnd Faith shall be my shield.

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The Seafarer

© Anonymous

Mæg ic be me sylfum soðgied wrecan, [I can utter a true tale about myself,]siþas secgan, hu ic geswincdagum [tell of my travels, how in laboursome days]earfoðhwile oft þrowade, [a time of hardship I often suffered,]bitre breostceare gebiden hæbbe, [how bitter sorrow in my breast I have borne,]gecunnad in ceole cearselda fela, [made trial on shipboard of many sorrowful abodes; ]atol yþa gewealc, þær mec oft bigeat [dread was the rolling of the waves; there my task was often]nearo nihtwaco æt nacan stefnan, [the hard night-watch at the boat's prow,]þonne he be clifum cnossað

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God Rest you Merry, Gentlemen

© Anonymous

God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay,For Jesus Christ our Saviour Was born upon this day,To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray