Power poems

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My Only Title

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

My only title to her grace
Is her sad, too silent face;
All my right to call her mine
The twin tears that on it shine,

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Song Of The Six Hundred M.P.'S

© Ezra Pound

‘We are 'ere met together
in this momentous hower,
Ter lick th' bankers' dirty boots
an' keep the Bank in power.’

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Aurora Leigh: Book Three

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"To-day thou girdest up thy loins thyself
And goest where thou wouldest: presently
Others shall gird thee," said the Lord, "to go
Where thou wouldst not." He spoke to Peter thus,
To signify the death which he should die
When crucified head downward.

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Sordello: Book the Second

© Robert Browning

  What next? The curtains see
Dividing! She is there; and presently
He will be there-the proper You, at length-
In your own cherished dress of grace and strength:
Most like, the very Boniface!

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Hudibras: Part 3 - Canto II

© Samuel Butler

Next him his Son and Heir Apparent
Succeeded, though a lame vicegerent;
Who first laid by the Parliament,
The only crutch on which he leant;
And then sunk underneath the State,
That rode him above horseman's weight.

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The Dead Tribune

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

The awful shadow of a great man's death

Falls on this land, so sad and dark before-

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The Voice And Pen

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

Oh! the orator's voice is a mighty power,
As it echoes from shore to shore,
And the fearless pen has more sway o'er men
Than the murderous cannon's roar!

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The Clearer Self

© Archibald Lampman

Before me grew the human soul,
  And after I am dead and gone,
Through grades of effort and control
  The marvellous work shall still go on.

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The Kings Prophecie

© Joseph Hall

What Stoick could his steely brest containe
(If Zeno self, or who were made beside
Of tougher mold) from being torne in twaine
With the crosse Passions of this wondrous tide?
Grief at ELIZAES toomb, orecomne anone
With greater ioy at her succeeded throne?

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The Watchers

© Edmund Blunden

I heard the challenge "Who goes there?"

Close kept but mine through midnight air

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Olney Hymn 25: Jehovah Jesus

© William Cowper

My song shall bless the Lord of all,
My praise shall climb to His abode;
Thee, Saviour, by that name I call,
The great Supreme, the mighty God.

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The Golden Legend: IV. The Road To Hirschau

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  _Elsie._ Onward and onward the highway runs
  to the distant city, impatiently bearing
Tidings of human joy and disaster, of love and of
  hate, of doing and daring!

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Of The Nature Of Things: Book II - Part 02 - Atomic Motions

© Lucretius

Now come: I will untangle for thy steps

Now by what motions the begetting bodies

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Spleen (III)

© Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.

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Don't Tease The Lion

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

If you saw a lion

Not within a cage,

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Long Life Not To Be Desired

© Sophocles

  WHO, loving life, hath sought

  To outrun the appointed span,

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Don Juan: Canto The Fourth

© George Gordon Byron

Nothing so difficult as a beginning

In poesy, unless perhaps the end;

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In the House of Suddhoo

© Rudyard Kipling

A stone's throw out on either hand

From that well-ordered road we tread,

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Arabella Stuart

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

And is not love in vain,
 Torture enough without a living tomb?

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The Star On His Forehead

© William Henry Ogilvie

The lift of his action is rhythmic and right,

His depth through the heart is a horseman's delight,