List of poets born or died in 1601

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Georges de Scudéry

Georges de Scudéry poet from France was born on August 22, 1601, had 65 years and died on May 14, 1667. Poems were written mainly in French language.

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L'Hermite François Tristan

L'Hermite François Tristan poet from France was born in 1601, had 54 years and died on September 7, 1655. Poems were written mainly in French language.

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Mark Alexander Boyd

Mark Alexander Boyd poet from United Kingdom was born on January 13, 1562, had 39 years and died on April 10, 1601. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Mirza Muhammed Ali Saib

Mirza Muhammed Ali Saib poet from Azerbaijan was born in 1601, had 76 years and died in 1677. Poems were written mainly in Arabic language.

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Thomas Nashe

Thomas Nashe poet from United Kingdom was born on November 1, 1567, had 33 years and died in 1601. Poems were written mainly in English language.