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Born in November 4, 1856 / Died in January 3, 1907 / United States / English


  • Abbot, Leonard D. Ernest Howard Crosby: A Valuation and a Tribute. Westwood, Ma., 1907.
  • Crosby, Ernest Howard. Broad-cast. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1905.
  • --. Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable. Boston: Small, Maynard & Company, 1899. 3rd edn.: London: F.R. Henderson, 1901.
  • --. Soul of the World and Other Verses. Privately Published, 1908.
  • --. Swords and Plowshares. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1902. London: Grant Richards, 1903.
  • --. War Echoes. Philadelphia: Innes & Sons, 1898.
  • Whittaker, Robert. "Tolstoy's American Disciple: Letters to Ernest Howard Crosby, 1894-1906." TriQuarterly (Winter 1996/97): 210-50.