List of poets born or died in 1572

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Benjamin Jonson image
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Benjamin Jonson

Benjamin Jonson poet from United Kingdom was born on June 11, 1572, had 65 years and died on August 6, 1637. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Honorat de Porchères Laugier

Honorat de Porchères Laugier poet from France was born on June 8, 1572, had 81 years and died on October 20, 1653. Poems were written mainly in French language.

John Donne image
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John Donne

John Donne poet from United Kingdom was born on January 22, 1572, had 59 years and died on March 31, 1631. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Thomas Dekker

Thomas Dekker poet from United Kingdom was born in 1572, had 60 years and died on August 25, 1632. Poems were written mainly in English language.