Poems begining by N

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New Year's Eve

© Archibald Lampman

Once on the year's last eve in my mind's might

Sitting in dreams, not sad, nor quite elysian,

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© Robinson Jeffers

The ebb slips from the rock, the sunken

Tide-rocks lift streaming shoulders

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Nature's Hymn to the Deity

© John Clare

All nature owns with one accord

The great and universal Lord:

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None Other Lamb

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

None other Lamb, none other Name,
None other hope in Heav’n or earth or sea,
None other hiding place from guilt and shame,
None beside Thee!

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Nova Scotia

© James McIntyre

If you are sulky, Nova Scotia,
  We'll gladly let you float away
  From out our Confederation;
  You sicken us with sily agitation.
  If any more our patience you do tax
  We'll let you go to Halifax.

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Nostalgia And Complaint Of The Grandparents

© Donald Justice

Les morts
C’est sous terre;
  Ça n’en sort

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© Harriet Monroe

She is so wee,

So wise and dear

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© Boris Pasternak

The night proceeds and dwindling
Prepares the day's rebirth.
An airman is ascending
Above the sleeping earth.

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© George Darley

O BLEST unfabled Incense Tree, 

That burns in glorious Araby, 

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No Sorrow Peculiar To The Sufferer

© William Cowper

The lover, in melodious verses,

His singular distress rehearses;

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© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

How tranquil is this little mountain lake
It’s filled with water like a cup
Bamboo looks just like little houses
And trees above  – a sea of roofs.

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Neatness In Apparel

© Charles Lamb

In your garb and outward clothing
 A reservëd plainness use;
By their neatness more distinguished
 Than the brightness of their hues.

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© Arthur Symons

Seven devils in my head

Hurry me from bed to bed.

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© Jones Very

The bubbling brook doth leap when I come by,

Because my feet find measure with its call;

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Nuestras Vidas Son Pendulos

© Ramon Lopez Velarde

Dónde estará la niña
Que en aquel lugarejo
Una noche de baile
Me habló de sus deseos
De viajar, y me dijo
Su tedio?

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© Louise Imogen Guiney

The sun that hurt his lovers from on high
Is fallen; she more merciful is nigh,
The blessèd one whose beauty's even glow
Gave never wound to any shepherd's eye.
Above our pausing boat in shallows drifted,
Alone her plaintive form ascends the sky.

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No More

© Madison Julius Cawein


  The slanted storm tossed at their feet

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Naples And Venice

© Richard Monckton Milnes

Thou, who to that lofty terrace, lov'st on summer--eve to go,
Tell me, Poet! what Thou seest,--what Thou hearest, there below!

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New-Year's Eve

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

As when at twelve o'clock

Strong January opes the gates of Life

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Now May He Who From The Dead

© John Newton

Now may He who from the dead
Brought the Shepherd of the sheep,
Jesus Christ, our King and Head,
All our souls in safety keep!